The Admirable Heart of Mary



The Admirable Heart of Mary

by St. John Eudes



As recommended by the then Fr. Fliess (now Bishop) in the Restoration Radio series, Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion: One of the most prolific ascetical writers of the seventeenth century, St. John Eudes was an inexhaustible reservoir of holy wisdom and devotional fervor. He reveals to his disciples this most pure and maternal of all hearts both in its corporal and spiritual pulsations, while demonstrating with a dozen unforgettable natural and scriptural analogies, how this human heart was so inexhaustibly divinized by the one Divine Heart of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Admirable Heart of Mary was given to us from the Cross by Jesus Christ. Truly this heart was the first-fruit of His Passion, given to all of Mary’s children, that it might be honored, cherished, invoked and, ultimately, with that of her Son, reproduced in them. This is the essence of the spirituality of St. John Eudes.


331 pages, paperback

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Additional information

Weight 0.6875 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 6 × 0.75 in