Francis can’t stop talking *Updated*

When this post first went up NOW had not yet finished their commentary on the interview.  It has since been posted and we linked to it below.

We were chatting with the folks over at Novus Ordo Watch about this Monday's show (which they are generously sponsoring!) and we reflected on the fact that Francis has no consideration for our personal time!  He just keeps pouring out new stuff which merits commentary and NOW continues to produce thoughtful articles (including this comprehensive commentary) and we continue to have clerical commentary via our radio network.   A little less personal time for us but a lot more (hopefully) helpful commentary for those who have been caught by the allure of the ("safe" and "not scary") conservative Novus Ordo/recognize and resist movements to see facts for facts: he who is not of the body CANNOT be the head.  It was true in the time of St. Robert Bellarmine and it's true now.  The shell shock you are feeling right now has an answer.  Keep reading, researching, and praying.

This Monday night, join H.E. Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada as we break down the 12,000 word La Civilta Cattolica interview (which was not, as some dishonest folks on the internet have tried to play off, extemporaneous, but was typed out, sent for translation, and approved over a period of time).  We will cover:

"small-minded rules"
"pilgrim people, evolutionist theology"
"Personalist moral theology"
"Implied approval of divorce/remarriage"
"6th and 9th commandments not big issues"
"complaints about doctrinal errors"
"change in church structure"
"Vatican II as great and irreversible"
"Traditional Liturgy as dangerous"
"Religious uncertainty as a positive"
"Warnings against restorationism"

If you can't join us at 7pm EST for our show, and want to ask questions, you can email them ahead of time to mail at truerestoration dot org.

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True Restoration

Learn and Live the Catholic Faith

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4 Responses

  1. Alan Aversa says:

    That's a good point about it not being extemporaneous. It's thus effectively "encyclical" (except it's called an "interview" instead).

    The parts I really anti-Catholic are listed here.

  2. Unknown says:

    Being born in 1951 I appreciated Fr Cekada's "Claudia Cardinale" remark!
    As usual, a great show. As an SSPXer (who doesn't have any option for the TLM other than the SSPX) I would urge those who want to desert Bergoglio's Titanic to go straight for the Sede option if it is available.The SSPX ( both Ordinary & Extraordinary varieties ) will muddle you up completely with their Recognize but Resist policy.

  3. Great show! Don't forget the follow up re the Dimond Brothers. My wife loves them. Help me out.

  4. Oh. Thought you meant "National Organization for Womyn". 🙂