End of September Clearance – Monday 28th through Wednesday 30th (Central Time)

With so many new items continually coming into the True Restoration store, we need to clear out some earlier stock to keep making room for the new. If you haven’t already benefitted from our ongoing curating of classic books and unique gifts, now’s your chance to do so before they’re discontinued.

We still have two titles by the recently deceased Fr. Anthony Cekada (+May he rest in peace.+). All the autographed copies of “Work of Human Hands” sold out very quickly, so if you haven’t “The Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass” and “The Anti-Modernist Reader: Volume 1” don’t allow yourself to miss out on these, too. Also recommended by Fr. Cekada in his Restoration Radio series on the “Work of Human Hands” are the writings by Patrick Henry Omlor. His definitive collected works, “The Robber Church” will be half price - the lowest price ever - during the three days of the sale – only $49.50!

New into our store: Specially-designed Tote bags with our TR embroidered logo. Very limited number produced - launch sale price of $18 for just three days.

Selected books reduced drastically:

Each $4: True Devotion to MaryThe Gift of Self to GodIntroduction to the Devout LifeConferences to Children on Practical VirtueBook Review

Each $5: These Tales are TrueFire of LoveGuidance to HeavenSin and Its Consequences

Each $6: HeavenwordsThe Sinner’s GuideSpiritual Exercises of St Ignatius

Each $8: Spiritual ConferencesOur Greatest Treasure the True FaithThe CrucifixYoung Man of CharacterBook Review

Each $9: Miscellany of MenBiblical LecturesTemporal Power of the Vicar of JesusCatholic Girl’s Guide

An extra 10% discount applies to all orders from True Restoration Annual Members.


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.