The Gift of Self to God


The Gift of Self to God

By Father John Nicholas Grou S.J.  (Jean-Nicolas Grou)

Translated by the Benedictines of Teignmouth


By one of the authors highly recommended by Fr. Bernard in his Spiritual Life series, this timely monograph, contains precious gems of holy wisdom. They are the fruit of a pastor of souls well acquainted with the latter-day stratagems of an experienced adversary determined to get the focus of persecuted and battle-weary Catholics off the straight and narrow course leading to personal sanctity.


The Gift of Self to God, which is the heart of the composition, is an extremely provoking and healing meditation dealing with the necessity and salutary advantage of giving our all to God. It is a perfect complement to the spirit of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary.

Not as well known as he should be, the work of this great doctor of the interior life is reprinted here, together with two of his other essays, all of which confirm the virtue of filial trust in God.

Table of Contents

About the Author
On the Gift of Self to God: Introduction
Editor’s Note
1: What is Meant by the Gift of Self?
2: Reason for Giving Oneself to God: Nothing Is More Just
3: My Happiness Lies in the Gift of Myself to God
4: The Present Moment Alone at My Disposal
5: I Can Only Give God Glory by the Gift of Self
6: The Gift of Self : The Secret of My Salvation
7:The Commandment to Love God Can Only Be Fulfilled by the Gift of Self
8: The Example of Our Lord: a Strong Reason Why We Should Give Ourselves to God
9: The Self Denial of the Gospel Precept is the same as the Gift of Self
10: As Children of God, We are Obliged to Give Ourselves to God
11: The Sanctification of Our Most Ordinary Actions Implies This Same Obligation
12: The Necessity for Giving Oneself to God Implied in the Lord’s Prayer
13: God’s Plans in My Regard Presuppose the Gift of Self, If They Are to Be Carried Out
14: The Best Use We Can Make of Our Liberty Is to Place It in God’s Hands
15: The Gift of Self to God: the Key to the Gospel
16: The Characteristics of the Gift of Self to God
17: The Advantages of the Gift of Self
18: Its Advantages for the Present Life: The Moral Assurance of Our Salvation
19: One’s Conscience is at Rest
20: Familiar Friendship with God
21: Interior Peace
22: God’s Special Protection
23: The Gift of Prayer
24: The Gate of Sanctity
25: Practical Recapitulation
Christian Thoughts
Marks of True Piety


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Additional information

Weight 0.1875 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.25 in