
From The Pulpit

On Matters of Faith and the Crisis in the Catholic Church

From the Pulpit is a show where our listeners can hear some of the finest sermons and conferences presented by Catholic clergy.

Episode Transcripts (Available to Annual Members and a la carte purchase)
Transcript: The Vatican II Series, Part 1 (PDF Download)
Transcript: The Vatican II Series, Part 2 (PDF Download)
Transcript: The Vatican II Series, Part 3 (PDF Download)
Transcript: The Vatican II Series, Part 4 (PDF Download)
Transcript: The Vatican II Series, Part 5 (PDF Download)
Transcript: From the Pulpit, Episode 13: The Evil of Venial Sin (Free PDF Download)
Transcript: Bishop Sanborn’s Sermon on The Last Supper (PDF Download)
Transcript: Bishop Sanborn’s Meditation on the Passion (PDF Download)
Transcript: Bishop Sanborn’s Easter Sermon (PDF Download)

Original Air Date: August 8, 2013

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