On this episode of From the Pulpit, we will be reminded to have confidence in God.
Let's face it: it happens. We grow tired, we get worn down, we get tired and at times, it can seem like we are losing the battle. This is what is commonly called "battle fatigue" in war, and it is a common thing to befall Catholics who are trying to uphold, practice, defend, and spread the unchanged Catholic faith.
Too often we feel as if we did not express our thoughts correctly to non-Catholics, or that we got trapped by our anti-Catholic acquaintances and lost the argument, or even worse to us, did not have an answer. In these times, we must have a rock solid trust and confidence in God, through Whom all things are possible.
Today, we welcome Father Stephen McKenna to From the Pulpit. Father will explain to us how to keep our confidence in God in these trying times, and why we should not be discouraged at our shortcomings.
Original Air Date: November 21, 2013
Show Run Time: 39 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Stephen McKenna
Show Host(s): Justin Soeder
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