Category: Restoration Reader

Like Looking Up at the Stars

St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows “Do not be played for chumps,”Anthony Esolen advises the school starters in this Crisis essay, “Quality Education is Not Rocket Science.”  Get pre-1950 textbooks, read the 1000...

The Tears I Laid Before His Shrine

St. Alexander The Catholic Gentleman continues its Lent preparation series with a post on prayer, which explains how to pray in five manageable steps. Fasting in a way that is pleasing to God is...

We are an Unsteady People

St. Mathias The conflict between our feelings and reason is examined in a new book on Thomistic ethics, Living the Good Life, written by Steven J. Jensen.  It is reviewed here by Christopher O....

All Francis Friday

We’re on vacation today but will resume publication on Monday.  In the meantime, we invite you to listen to last night’s edition of Francis Watch, with guests His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan and Fr....

May the Holy Cross Be My Light

St. Eucherius The Catholic Gentleman reminds us of the spiritual riches associated with the St. Benedict Medal, explaining its history and the meaning of the various Latin inscriptions and initials, in this post. Yes,...

Belgian Children to Pay the Price

St. Gabinus Belgium, where supposedly 3/4 of the population is Catholic, has a newly-revised euthanasia law that provides for the murder of children under the age of 18.  Under certain conditions.  For their own...

Even Hitler Valued Catholic Art

St. Simeon The new movie, The Monuments Men is historically accurate on a “very basic level,” according to this review by Aisha Harris, who compared it to the book on which it is based,...

We’re Hard-wired for Real Time Together

St. Fintan of Clonenagh Electronic Relationships.  There are now identifiable stages of something called “Blackberry Abandonment”–the emotions that one goes through when trying to have meaningful relationships through gadgetry.  Dr. Sue Johnson explains in...

All Francis Friday

St. Valentine Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza entreats Francis to explain his support of the Marxist movement in Brazil in this lengthy but well-written letter, via Tradition, Family, and Property. Michael Brendan Dougherty, writing for...