Category: True Restoration Blog

Bits and Bobs

Hopefully the weather is finally nice for those of you in the United States who have had some massive snowfall lately.  We’ve got a few bits of news for you. There is a new...

St. Ignatius of Loyola

“Go forth and set the world on fire,” exhorted St. Ignatius of Loyola. And he practiced what he preached. His militant example in pursuing virtue, in developing the spiritual exercises, practicing self-denial, educating himself,...


Some people have asked where I attend Mass here and I’m happy to share that for 8 years now, the Institute of Our Lady of Good Counsel have had a presence in Paris.  The...

Our Mission Statement

True Restoration is a clerically-advised, member-supported, lay-founded Roman Catholic apostolate.  We use the means of print (True Restoration Press), video (True Restoration Media), radio (Restoration Radio), and in-person conferences to bring about a restoration...

Thoughts on University

Some weeks ago I was discussing the importance of the Idea of a University with one of my former high school students now looking at graduation this Spring.  He found some benefit from an...