Our annual meeting has just finished and has been very fruitful. We thank those of you who kept our work in your prayers not just in the last few days, but all year. Our humble thanks to the clergy of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church, who generously hosted us during these days.
In the photo above, you will note all those who will be involved with True Restoration in 2015 (and clergy who generously hosted us). From left to right, Jason Guardiano, Nicholas Wansbutter, Joshua Gunsher, Fr. Vili Lehtoranta, Bp. Daniel Dolan, Stephen Heiner, Dr. Bill Seng, Justin Soeder, Wendy Haught (not pictured: John Thompson, Matt Arthur).
We will be closed Monday, the 15th of December (the octave day of the Immaculate Conception) until the 6th of January (the Epiphany). Membership services and tech support will still be available, of course, but any ordinary correspondence and questions will not be answered until after the office is reopened.