All of us here at TR will be on holiday from Dec 15-Jan 6 but we wanted to take a moment to make you aware of two projects that our clergy are engaging in over the months of December and January.
Bishop Donald Sanborn visits the United Kingdom
From Jan 1st-4th Bishop Donald Sanborn will be visiting England, once a solid center of Christendom before Henry VIII imagined himself the head of the Church in England and birthed the apostatical Anglican sect and, unwittingly, the nonconfessional United States. There are some faithful who are serious about establishing a permanent and regular non-una-cum Mass center in the UK in addition to what is currently available and the Bishop will be meeting those people and speaking at different locations throughout the country, as well as hearing confessions and saying Mass.
On January 1st he will say Mass in Leicestershire, England. The program will be as follows:
11am Confessions
Noon Mass
130pm Lunch
230pm The Bergoglian Era
330pm The Una Cum Mass
430pm The Errors of Bishop Williamson
There will be a break in between each talk.
On January 2nd-4th he will say Mass in London, England. The program will be as follows:
January 2nd
11am Confessions
Noon Mass
130pm Lunch
230pm Spiritual Conference: Mental Prayer
January 3rd
11am Confessions
Noon Mass
130pm Lunch
230pm Spiritual Conference: Humility
11am Confessions
Noon Mass
230pm The Bergoglian Era
330pm The Una Cum Mass
430pm The Errors of Bishop Williamson
There will be a break in between each talk.
For more details and to RSVP please contact info AT or message the group in the UK on twitter. Please note that the TR offices will be closed in late December and early January so you should not email us about this event.
Father Anthony Cekada publishes the 2nd edition of Work of Human Hands
Not being content to be responsible for editing the first Traditionalist crowdfunded book in history, Fr. Cekada has put together a crowdfunding project to finance a second printing of his own book. He has some great incentives, like Fr. Chuck/Fr. Retreaux tote bags, and even one amazing incentive: the dedication of the Second Edition! Check it out here.
While True Restoration did not get to publish either the first or the second editions of the book, our staff was involved in the proofing process for the first edition and we did purchase the photo that is the cover of the book. We are happy to be a part of promoting this second printing and we cannot recommend the book highly enough; we did a full season radio show on the book (which will continue in Season 4). The latest episode for Father's own video series is now up on YouTube as well.
Participation in the crowdfunder is the only way to ensure that you will get a copy of the book as soon as it prints. There will be a delay for those who wait until the book is "back in stock" at