There is a "climate of terror" in the curia? Sandro Magister says Francis' brisk removal of directors who do not share his "theological-liturgical sensibilities" not only frightens the directors whose positions have only been approved provisorily, it shows Francis to be a better leader when compared with Benedict XVI. Magister must be a fan of the "1789 in the Church" model of leadership.
Vatican Insider covers Francis' meeting with the Lutherans to cheer their cooperation on a text that allows them to "confront in dialogue the historical reality of the Reformation, blah, blah, blah." Right. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a video supposedly made by Lutherans lampoons the "hippie pope".
He's dying to dialogue. According to The Eponymous Flower, Francis met for the fourth time in four months with Jews. Surprise, he had some nice things to say about Pius XII, that old rigorist.
Louie Verrecchio reviews Francis' teachings and discovers a blueprint for the City of Man, after which the truth sets Mr. Verrecchio free from the endorsements of some "highly-regarded supporters".