Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada
In this episode of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada, and Dan Fitton discuss:
-A certain Cardinal’s book, answering the Dubia – or at least Amoris Laetitia Chapter 8.
-“Cardinal” Coccopalmerio’s comments on the notion of Sacraments as only either Valid or Invalid.
-Beware the fundamentalist my brother and shun the fractious formenters.
-Bergoglio echoes John Paul II and meets the Indians.

You can’t make this stuff up!
-First-Ever Anglican Liturgy comes to St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.
-Fatima Anniversary and Logo
-Bergoglio Posters and Satire (including the SSPX response)
-SSPX and Rome getting closer by the day.
-Bishop Fellay – 'Cardinal Muller wants us to help him fight modernism.'
-O’ Brother what art thou?
Take a listen to hear a truly Catholic take on these and other absurdities issued from the ongoing shock that is a Bergoglian non-pontificate.
Original Air Date: March 25, 2017
Show Run Time: 2 hours 5 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada
Show Host(s): Dan Fitton
Individual Season 6 Show Price (with Purchase of Digital Pack): $7.99
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Muslims believe that where they pray, their ‘god’ has given them the right to rule. Satanic triumphalism would suggest that raising their butts towards Jerusalem from Vatican soil, would be a victory hastening their antichrist/mahdi. And then certain orthodox Rabbi’s believe Islam is the broom of ‘spiritual Israel’ – sweeping away the last vestiges of Christ in readiness for their antichrist/moshiach. So the Friday and the Saturday folks have a common goal – get rid of the Sunday folks.
Muslims believe that where they pray, their ‘god’ has given them the right to rule. Satanic triumphalism would suggest that raising their butts towards Jerusalem from Vatican soil, would be a victory hastening their antichrist/mahdi. And then certain orthodox Rabbi’s believe Islam is the broom of ‘spiritual Israel’ – sweeping away the last vestiges of Christ in readiness for their antichrist/moshiach. So the Friday and the Saturday folks have a common goal – get rid of the Sunday folks. ….