Francis handpicked the secretary-general of the Italian Episcopal conference, "Bishop" Nunzio Galatino, and now this man has publicly insulted pro-lifers who pray in front of abortion clinics, as detailed here by The Eponymous Flower.
If you are an atheist or a homosexual, the "pope" will love you, says Mundabor. Oh, and he is right fond of The Neocatechumenal Way also, according to this Zenit piece, which states that "The Pope confirms his 'paternal closeness' and sent 'loving encouragement to [Argüello] and to all adherents to the Way.'" Ugh. As for the FFI, "soon and very soon" appears to mean they will continue to be punished until the twelfth of never, or as Hilary White at Orwell's Picnic describes it, death by crucifixion.
In his efforts to go out "to the peripheries" Jorge Bergoglio grabbed attention this week for his statements regarding the baptism of Martians. Because “[i]t was never the ministry of the closed door, never,” quoth the Conciliar Pontiff. This endorsement of extraterrestrial baptism was given by Francis as he was discoursing on the divine revelation to St. Peter that salvation was to be extended to the gentiles. Francis evidently takes a rather broad interpretation of St. Peter’s vision, viewing it as a divine mandate to extend salvation to everybody and anybody. “Whose sins you retain, they are retained,” seems to have been conveniently left out of his mission to the Martians. Also absent from Francis’ sermon is any awareness that since the Second Person of the Trinity was hypostatically united to human nature, it is only humans who can benefit from the sacraments instituted by Christ. The baptism of Martians (which is not to say that there are any) would be a sacrilege.
As for Francis' visit to the Holy Land, the author of this op-ed piece, Rabbi Ronen Shnidman, is quite honest about Francis continuing the “Era of Dialogue” opened up by his predecessors in Jewish-Catholic relations. According to the Pope’s office, the only official purpose of this “pilgrimage of prayer” set to take place May 24-26, is to commemorate the meeting of Paul VI with the Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras exactly 50 years ago. Even while hailing these peace ventures, Rabbi Ronen begins by acknowledging the “price tag” of such visits—the propensity for religiously motivated attacks on Christian institutions to increase in the wake of a Papal visit.
Francis may be coming to Philadelphia, PA. "Archbishop" Charles Chaput said "he's 'personally convinced' the pontiff is coming to the World Meeting of Families in September 2015," according to this CenturyLink story. Patheos takes a more in-depth look here. It would be hard to imagine Francis missing an opportunity to visit The City of Brotherly Love. Maybe he can coordinate with Hillary Clinton and together they can lead the crowds in chanting "It takes a village to raise a child", as Francis did in Italy recently. Lifesite News has the details here. Like World Youth Day, the World Meeting of Families is a periodically recurring pseudo-Catholic extravaganza instituted by John Paul II. This World Meeting of Families, the theme of which is “Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive” will be a historic occasion if, as expected, the Francis-led curia succeeds in making radical changes to the Church’s understanding of matrimony and sexual morality at the Episcopal Synod being held in October, 2014. It will be the stage for the implementation of the new wave of collegiality and laxity Francis plans to introduce and as such should be on the radar screen of all Traditionalists.