All Francis Friday

St. Athanasius

Sandro Magister compares Francis' treatment of communion for the divorced and remarried to Paul VI's handling of contraception and concludes, "The overall effect of Francis's strategy is a driving crescendo of anticipations of change."

"The Catholics have really not been nice to us."  Call Me Jorge has posted a video of Rabbi Buchwald whining about how the Jews have been mistreated by the Catholic Church, but now, things are different.   What a friend they have in Jorge!

A quickie.  Mundabor's Blog has sized up the current pontificate with the help of a few visual aids.

More bishops are following the bad example of Francis.  Tradition in Action reports on the increase in women having their feet washed on Maundy Thursday and suggests the reason for the introduction of this novelty.

NCR introduces a Francis comic strip because even "Francis himself has recognized the humor inherent in being pope."  See you in the funny papers.


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