Monthly Archive: June 2014

And Paul VI Wept

The Death of the Pentecost Octave or Welcome to Ordinary Time:   According to “Fr.” Zuhlsdorf, Paul VI was surprised to see green vestments on Pentecost Monday in 1970.   Kind of hard to believe, but...

O Lord, Give Us Faith

St. Norbert   In this Imaginative Conservative piece, an American socialite remembers the 50th anniversary of D-Day, marked while she was in Normandy for a lavish wedding reception among decadent nobility.  She wonders whether...

Appreciate the Sublime

St. Boniface This short Nobility piece makes clear that we cannot expect a great civilization as long as we laud the ugly:  “To the degree that members of social units appreciate the sublime together,...

Be Vigilant

St. Francis Caracciolo When is making a carbine your first line of home defense the right choice? Jim Grant of explains, via Lew Rockwell. Compassion training for the self-absorbed:   The Atlantic reports...

The Aspirations of Mankind

The industrialization of whiskey.  Jeffrey Polet tours and tastes Scottish whiskey and learns to appreciate the cooper, in this wistful piece for Front Porch Republic. Comprehensive but still entry-level:  According to Mother Earth News,...