The industrialization of whiskey. Jeffrey Polet tours and tastes Scottish whiskey and learns to appreciate the cooper, in this wistful piece for Front Porch Republic.
Comprehensive but still entry-level: According to Mother Earth News, Terroir Seeds is designing a 6-part, online seed-saving course to debut this fall, and they want your input. They're not taking registrations yet, but you can subscribe to their newsletter to be kept up-to-date. In a market where it is getting harder and harder to avoid GMO food, knowing how to confidently save heirloom seed is one option for fighting back.
"Religion reduced to the group hug": In this sermon for the Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension, H. E. Bishop Daniel Dolan preaches on what he describes as syrupy sweet, "fructose faith" and how we are to keep the true faith and pass it on to our children.