Writing for The Imaginative Conservative, Joseph Pearce clarifies the meaning of distributism by putting it in the context of the Catholic principle of subsidiarity. He gives many helpful examples that should resonate with people who support trends like the slow food movement, living off-the-grid, and homeschooling.
Jeffrey S. Dill doesn't mention subsidiarity or distributism, but he is intrigued by all those college-educated moms who are choosing homeschooling rather than the workforce. He reveals some of their motivations in "The Work-Life Balance of Homeschool Moms" on the Institute for Family Studies blog.
The Novus Ordo Sect News by Matt Beck
Illegal immigration is front and center in the United States these days after the issue is widely thought to have cost former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor his reelection bid against relatively unknown challenger Dave Brat in Virginia’s June 10th primary election. Apparently it is also front and center at the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, where 120 illegal Africans, plucked from the sea by the Italian navy, have been holed up waiting for a reply from Francis. Even as the NewChurch Pope solemnly declared that the Church should be “the first port of call” for illegal immigrants, one of the priests at St. Mary’s candidly admits that “[the] basilica is starting to feel the weight of them.” But not to worry, Humble Frank would gladly give anyone the shirt off his altar. We always knew that sports jersey would come in handy for something. Francis is just that prescient. And while American bishops have been every bit as welcoming to the illegal immigrants crashing their own shores, another day brings yet another study showing that US Latinos are leaving the Catholic Church in droves, with the number of self-identifying Hispanic Catholics plummeting by 12 percent in just four years, as many of them head off to evangelical churches. Certainly a lot more ecumenical outreach is needed to stem the tide, but Francis has a plan for that, too. Here he is telling Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby that the division between Catholics and Anglicans is a “scandal and an obstacle to our[!] proclaiming of the Gospel.” You see, he is the very model of a modern papal prodigal, and disbelieves in borders national and theological.
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[…] priest preach at the Washington National Cathedral next Sunday. This, be it recalled from our last week’s report, is the same Episcopal Church about which Francis said it is a scandal to be disunited from. The […]