When the Vine has Shed Its Latest Leaves

St. John Chrysostom

In this short but thoughtful post, "A Husband in Winter", John Cuddeback at Bacon From Acorns reminds us of a similarity that most moderns have forgotten or have no experience of--that of husbanding the land and husbanding a family.

It's all right to be little-bitty.   A Catholic back-to-the-land movement is struggling to burst into the sun in St. Leo's, KS, where a dying Catholic town of 13 homes is regenerating through young Catholic farming families led by returned native Kevin Ford.  The key is cheap real estate, as in vacant houses.  Minuscule country towns on death's door might just be the ideal model for which to search in your own back-to-the-land quest.  St. Leo's has a Catholic church and school building, key features.

The New York Times takes a look afield at the burgeoning pastured pig market and inclines a sympathetic ear to old organic farmers, who are justifiably worried about who will plant the seeds when they themselves lie planted under the sod, as many have children who aren't interested in farming.  We think they should connect with The New Catholic Land Movement.

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