To Love Selflessly
Taking a leaf out of Shakespeare’s King Lear, Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian presents a model of true charity in his article, The Perfect Daughter, from Seton Magazine. The daughters who spout copious words on the...
Taking a leaf out of Shakespeare’s King Lear, Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian presents a model of true charity in his article, The Perfect Daughter, from Seton Magazine. The daughters who spout copious words on the...
Ladies, Lent is as appropriate a season as ever to foster the virtues of recollection and prudence in regards to speech especially. The two guards before our tongues, the teeth and the lips, serve...
Tracy Lee Simmons writes for Memoria Press, What Does Classical Education Mean Today? He says the noble arts of the mind and the heart are “not dead. They’re merely hibernating.” The Ancient Secret to a...