19 Months Later: Progress of the true Mass in Europe
My eyes surveyed the crowd, looking for a dear friend who is also the chapel coordinator for the Budapest mission. I had last seen him and his family in December 2015, for the tail end...
My eyes surveyed the crowd, looking for a dear friend who is also the chapel coordinator for the Budapest mission. I had last seen him and his family in December 2015, for the tail end...
Due to medical advice, Bishop Sanborn will be postponing his trip to Europe until late Spring, we hope. The Bishop assures everyone that it is nothing life-threatening, simply a precaution due to some recent...
“This would be a great target to hit.” It was Tuesday, and I closed my eyes and pictured an explosion ripping through the Eurostar that was taking me from Paris to London. Done at...
For those interested, His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn will again be in London this month to offer Mass as well as offer a conference on Baptism. Details are provided on the website of the...
All of us here at TR will be on holiday from Dec 15-Jan 6 but we wanted to take a moment to make you aware of two projects that our clergy are engaging in...
As I winged my way home to Paris on Monday I couldn’t help but reflect with amazement at the weekend’s events in Hungary. A congregation which had but a few short months before been...
“Ah yes, but here in France we don’t really care about religion anymore.” – said to me by an acquaintance on a recent weekend trip My first name is Stephen, given in tribute to...
While it is Season 3 of Restoration Radio, March 25th, 2012 was the founding of the radio network. To commemorate this event we are making Bishop Sanborn’s London Conference free to the public. Please...
Bishop Sanborn gave an excellent conference here in London yesterday and despite having interviewed him numerous times, I had not, until yesterday, heard him present a short case on the Catholic solution to the...
After some quick planning, we have managed to add on a London date to Bishop Sanborn’s already planned trip to Durham. Thanks for your patience as we worked out the details! Here they are:...