Bishop Sanborn gave an excellent conference here in London yesterday and despite having interviewed him numerous times, I had not, until yesterday, heard him present a short case on the Catholic solution to the crisis we find ourselves in.
The bishop made clear that the issue was not the personal heresies of JPII or BXVI or even that creator of new sedevacantists, Francis, or our feelings about the New Mass. The issue was and is: what are the PRINCIPLES that underlie your current stance?
This is not always something we can see immediately. Some are still stuck in feelings of revulsion from the obvious non-Catholicity of the Novus Ordo, others are confused by the schizophrenia of the SSPX or its newest sect, "the Resistance." But if you are able to step back and look back at the real question: is Vatican II a Catholic Council or is it not - then the path to what logically follows becomes crystal clear (N.B. the terms "maybe," "kind of," or "only a 'pastoral' council" have no precedent or purpose in Catholic theology and are used by people entirely unserious in dealing with these matters). Those (laymen or clergy) who fail to give you a clear answer on whether Vatican II is Catholic or not are as Modernist as those they seek to condemn.
By the Feast of the Epiphany the conference will be available to those who are Gold Subscribers and above. A short preview of it will be available in the coming weeks.
As a postscript it was a confirmation to me of what a sad state of affairs Traditional Catholicism in Europe really is in. People in London turned up in droves some time back to hear Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer spend two days simply speaking ill of Bishop Fellay and the SSPX, saying absolutely zero that was doctrinally relevant, but we had a very small turnout for a Bishop who took time out of his trip to come down to London from the North to present a thoroughly coherent approach to the current crisis. I suspect many stayed away simply because they were afraid that Bishop Sanborn would challenge the sandcastles they have built for themselves.
Perhaps it is its obsession with internecine disputes that is precisely why Europe represents the past of Traditional Catholicism, and America, with her seminaries, priests, and churches built by faithful not content to meet in hotels and meeting halls, is its future.
Bp Williamson and Fr Pfeiffer have been in India catering to mainly handfuls of Novus Ordo clientele roped in by their organizers, whilst meanwhile, true Resistance supporters in Britain and America have had to forfeit those Masses that would otherwise have been celebrated in their respective countries by these two clerics.
And yet people give Bishop Sanborn the pass out of loyalty
to the above named clerics.
Concerning the above post by Ambrosio, your readers would be advised to look at :
It seems that an "Resistance" marriage was shooed away from two Novus Ordo churches before having to find an impromptu location (Nice way to have a marriage – huh?). Yet, a spin has been put on this incident.
Wonder what ole Bp W was doing through all this?
Perhaps I'm not looking in the correct area, but I can't seem to find the conference, even though I have paid for a twelve month membership to TrueRestorationMedia. Has the video not been posted, or am I not eligible?
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Please see today's blog post for more information. It's coming, we promise.