Such a Waste!
Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian in his article, The Destruction of Childhood from Truth and Charity Forum, provides an overview of the ways that children are under attack and the techniques used to turn a child...
Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian in his article, The Destruction of Childhood from Truth and Charity Forum, provides an overview of the ways that children are under attack and the techniques used to turn a child...
St. Agnes What happens when most of civilization forgets that our purpose is to know, love, and serve God? Everything becomes focused on money, as explained in “Lost Dreams” on Resource Crisis. Pick a...
Pope St. Martin Are material needs the only concern of the poor? Do only rich people need beauty? An architecture professor at Notre Dame considers what the poor need in Catholic church design, in...
St. Francis Borgia In “Seeing Through the Eyes of Love,” on Carrots for Michaelmas, a mama reveals her feelings at seeing her 3-year-old dance on parents’ day at the ballet studio and compares it...
Our Lady of the Rosary The interior has no clothes? This post on the Ad Imaginem Dei blog discusses the iconoclasm of the post-Vatican II era and tries to define why beauty in church...
St. Januarius Using many examples from St. Augustine, Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian shows how we can fall into what he describes as “fornication of the mind”, in this essay for Truth and Charity Forum, “The...
While we grappled with the un-Catholic statements Francis made in the La Repubblica interview yesterday, the Vatican Bank quietly released its first-ever annual report, revealing it quadrupled its earnings in 2012, according to this...
In this inaugural episode of The Beautiful Things we consider various perspectives on the arts. Topics of discussion range from Kant to Aquinas, and attempt to address the question of how Catholics should, or...