Tagged: Ash Wednesday

“Why are Your Robes Red?”

The First Sunday of Lent from Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals provides several resources of meditation on the Gospel of the first of the Sundays in Lent as we launch into the first...

Dust and Ashes

Ash Wednesday is upon us, bringing with it the Lenten season. Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals shares an excellent dissertation, Ash Wednesday, by Rev. James Luke Meagher, expounding upon the traditional significance and...

For We are Cleansed by Prayer

St. Casimir A Childlike Encounter with God:  Writing for NLM, Peter Kwasniewski outlines a method for implementing the practice of lectio divina,otherwise known as praying with the Scriptures, during Lent and hopefully beyond. “Fr.”...

The Tears I Laid Before His Shrine

St. Alexander The Catholic Gentleman continues its Lent preparation series with a post on prayer, which explains how to pray in five manageable steps. Fasting in a way that is pleasing to God is...