We don't normally publish on the weekend, but it's been such a momentous week, we thought it might be helpful to provide links to Francis stories from a variety of Catholic perspectives. All primarily deal with the Repubblica interview, except the last one, which covers the Civilta Cattolica interview.
"The Pope They've Been Waiting For", George Neumayr, American Spectator
Perspective: Critical of "spirit of Vatican II" but sees Benedict XVI and JPII as "restorationists".
Quote: "Were St. Ignatius of Loyola alive today, he wouldn’t recognize Francis as a Jesuit. He might not even recognize him as a Catholic."
"Game On", Louie Verrecchio, Harvesting the Fruits
Perspective: Critical of Vatican II, and all popes since are modernists.
Quote: "Difficult though it is to accept, we must hear the words of Pope Francis for what they plainly express, and that is the solemn doctrine of the church of man."
"I'm Still Not Going Back to the Catholic Church", Rod Dreher, TIME
Perspective: Fallen-away Catholic, critical of "spirit of Vatican II" but sees Benedict XVI and JPII as "restorationists".
Quote: "In his interview, the Pope used a metaphor for the church that is often employed by Eastern Orthodox Christianity: he called it a 'field hospital' where the walking wounded can receive treatment. He’s right, but it’s important to discern the nature of the cure on offer. Anesthesia is a kind of medicine that masks pain, but it’s not the kind of medicine that heals the underlying sickness."
"Repubblica Interview and Explaining the Obvious: Proselytism", Mundabor, Mundabor's Blog
Perspective: Critical of Vatican II, and all popes since are modernists.
Quote: "The Bishop is immediately linking 'conversion' to 'proselytism' and calls the latter 'nonsense'. He does not say anything along the lines of 'I'd love to convert you, dear Dr. Scalfari, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy or that fast.' This is the kind of answer a gracious Italian Catholic would have given; I mean spontaneously given, during a jovial conversation, because he is a Catholic."
"Antipope Francis' Bombshell Interview", Most Holy Family Monastery, YouTube
Perspective: Sedevacantist
Quote: "There are three major heresies in the interview."