This is Catholicism, Episode 8: Jesus Christ the Promised Messias

A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion Fr. Joseph Deharbe, SJ

A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion
Fr. Joseph Deharbe, SJ

We know Jesus Christ is the 'Messias' or 'Redeemer' promised by God because in Him has been fulfilled all that the prophets have foretold of the Redeemer, as may be seen in the life and sufferings of Christ.

We know Jesus Christ is the son of God, and true God: 1. From the prophecies; 2. From the testimony of His Heavenly Father; 3. From His own testimony; 4. From the teaching of the Apostles; and 5. From the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion by Father Joseph Deharbe, S.J. was originally written in German, was very popular in the 19th century, and was translated into English. Bishop Donald Sanborn finds the Deharbe Catechism to be the most complete to convert and instruct people in the Catholic Faith.

“A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion” by Father Joseph Deharbe S.J. is available to purchase in a beautiful, cloth-covered hardback with gold-embossing for a very-discounted price in the True Restoration store.

Join Father Nicolás Despósito and host Father Germán Fliess, seminary professors at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida on this episode of This is Catholicism.


Part I On Faith (continued)
Chapter II. Chief Truths of Faith (continued)

The Second Article.
'And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.'

1. What does this Second Article of the Creed teach us?
2. What does the name 'Jesus' signify?
3. What does the word 'Christ' signify?
4. Why is Jesus called the Anointed?
5. Why is Jesus called our Prophet, Priest, and King?
6. Why is Jesus Christ called the "only Son of God"?
7. Are we not, then, also children of God?
8. Why is Jesus Christ called "Our Lord"?

§ 1. Jesus Christ the Promised Messias.

9. How do we know that Jesus Christ is the 'Messias' or 'Redeemer' promised by God?
10. What have the prophets foretold of the Messias?
11. How did they indicate the time of His coming?
12. What did they prophesy of His birth?
13. What account do they give us of His life?
14. What do they relate of His Passion and death?
15. What do they say of His Resurrection and Ascension, and of His sending down the Holy Ghost?
16. What did the prophets foretell of the destruction of Jerusalem and of the rejecting of the Jews?
17. What did they prophesy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and of the foundation, spreading, and duration of the Church?
18. Did the prophets prophesy long before the coming of Christ?
19. Were their prophecies also known long before Christ?
20. Did not also Christ and the Apostles appeal to the testimony of the prophets?
21. Do we see nothing else fulfilled in Christ but the prophecies?
22. Which are the most remarkable Figures of the Messias?

§ 2. Jesus Christ, true God.

23. Whence do we know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and true God?
24. What do the prophets say?
25. What is the testimony of His Heavenly Father?
26. What is the testimony of Christ?
27. What are miracles?
28. Which are the principal miracles wrought by Christ?
29. How do these miracles prove the Divinity of Christ?
30. How did Jesus confirm the doctrine of His Divinity by prophecies?
31. Which prophecies of Christ do we still see being accomplished?
32. How did Jesus seal the doctrine of His Divinity with His death?
33. What do the Apostles teach of Jesus Christ?
34. What does the Catholic Church teach of Jesus Christ?

Episode Notes:

The text is available in the public domain for free online as a PDF. Used copies and reprint versions can still be found and purchased.

“A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion” by Father Joseph Deharbe SJ on

Show Sponsor: The Australian Catholic Mission
Original Air Date: November 22, 2015
Show Run Time: 38 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Nicolás Despósito
Show Host(s): Father Germán Fliess
Season 4 Sponsor:
Novus Ordo Watch

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