The beautiful spring weather here in the northern hemisphere brings joy and energy into the world, but not nearly so much as this wonderful month dedicated to Our Blessed Mother! As we look forward to and enjoy May Crowning, Ascension Thursday, and Pentecost Sunday (which falls on the last day of May this year), pray that God will help us through these difficult times and aid us in placing our heavy and numerous crosses in their proper perspective - that of our eternal salvation and His glorification. Holy Mary, pray for us!
This year, May brings a new series to True Restoration. Father Germàn Fliess and host Alexander Krawczyk will begin Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion with a study of the Divine Maternity which “is the foundation of the whole edifice of Mariology and the basis upon which all the great privileges of Our Lady ultimately rest.” Devotion to Our Lady in the mind of the Church and Saints and a complete and thorough study of Our Lady's life and the dogmas about her will follow. Eight episodes of Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion will be released beginning on May 4th.
All of the most recent episodes of True Restoration programming are accessible only to our members. In an effort to bring quality Catholic content to all who seek it, we will continue to offer Monthly Memberships. These inexpensive memberships include access to all of the current season’s releases. Enjoy Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion by becoming a member!
What more appropriate way to honor and draw closer to Our Lady during her month than by studying the Catholic doctrines and devotions related to her? Join Father Fliess and Alexander Krawczyk in Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion!
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 1: The Divine Maternity
In our series premiere, Father Germàn Fliess discusses the foundation of the whole edifice of Mariology and the basis upon which all the great privileges of Our Lady ultimately rest – the Divine Maternity....
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 2: Devotion to Mary in the Mind of the Church and of the Saints
In this episode, Father Germàn Fliess discusses the main principles concerning devotion to Our Lady, drawn from the teaching of the Popes, the Fathers and Doctors, the Saints and theologians. As well as the...
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 3: The Immaculate Conception (Part 1)
In this episode, Father Germàn Fliess discusses the sublime dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the various proofs found throughout Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. A special note of...
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 4: The Immaculate Conception (Part 2)
In this episode, Father Germàn Fliess discusses the very unique history of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary as men sought to understand it throughout the ages of the...
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 5: The Life of Our Lady to the Annunciation
In this episode, we begin our study of the life and virtues of Our Blessed Mother up to the Annunciation. When you love someone, you want to know all about them, and since we,...
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 6: The Annunciation
In this episode, we study a truly beautiful event in the life of Our Lady and the history of our salvation, the Annunciation! Can words truly describe the beauty of Our Lady’s humble consent...
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 7: The Visitation
In this episode, we discuss the beauty and charity of Our Lady during the Visitation, and, of course, Our Lady’s response to St. Elizabeth – the Magnificat! A special note of thanks to our...
Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 8: The Nativity
In our season finale, we consider Our Lady in the mystery of the Birth of Christ. Beginning with the discovery by St. Joseph of the miraculous conception, we then discuss all the details surrounding...