Our Lady in Doctrine and Devotion, Episode 1: The Divine Maternity

In our series premiere, Father Germàn Fliess discusses the foundation of the whole edifice of Mariology and the basis upon which all the great privileges of Our Lady ultimately rest - the Divine Maternity.

A special note of thanks to our anonymous donor for making this series available to the public in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in memoriam of +Fr. Anthony Cekada. Please remember to keep Father and our donor in your prayers.

A special note of thanks to Nicholas Wilton for allowing us the use his music for this series. You can find out more about Mr. Wilton and his beautiful compositions here.

Original Air Date: May 4, 2020
Show Run Time: 35 minutes
Show Guest: Father Germàn Fliess
Show Host: Alexander Krawczyk
Sponsor: In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in memoriam of Fr. Anthony Cekada

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4 Responses

  1. Robert Auten says:

    Is the title Mother of the Church ascribed to the BVM by Montini valid? Why or why not?

  2. TR Staff says:

    Dear Robert,

    Thank you for contacting True Restoration.

    The title “Mother of the Church” is in and of itself orthodox; however, one can absolutely not invoke Our Lady with that title in the Litany to Our Lady, and should also completely avoid the use of the same title in any prayer unless it be strictly private (e.g., prayers offered when you are alone).

    We know that “Mother of the Church” is a true and pious title for Our Lady because Pope Leo XIII explicitly said that Our Lady is “most truly indeed the mother of the Church” (“verissime quidem mater Ecclesiae” is the Latin wording) in the encyclical, Adjutricem Populi of 1895.

    The issue with invoking Our Lady with that title in the Litany is that only a true pope may add a title to the Litanies. Paul VI was a false pope, and as such his addition is invalid and null. One should not use the title in front of other people in order to avoid scandal and/or show admiration and cause danger of confusion regarding the Vatican II religion. Many people know that Paul VI added thetitle to the Litanies, and if one invokes Our Lady with that title, it can easily be perceived as an implicit approbation of Paul VI or at least of some of his changes.

    I trust that this information is useful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Kind regards,

    Ethan Bubba
    True Restoration

  3. Robert Auten says:

    Thank you Ethan! This clears the issue up for me. I will avoid the use of that title even in catechesis. I had read in “The Oratory Catechism” that the title itself was heretical because it would make Mary greater than the Church – which did not make sense to me. I am relieved to see that it was used by Pope Leo XIII. I have to say that I have never seen it used in a litany and I had 21 years of history in the Novus Ordo. I can confirm, however, that it is perceived by Marian devotees in the Novus Ordo as a sort of orthodox “feather in the cap” of the Antipope Paul VI. This is often used to nullify his otherwise obvious lack of any truly Catholic devotion to Our Lady.

  4. Gisèle Demers says:

    Using this term could lead into confusion, also, for the following reason: In Vatican II, the definition of the Church as an ecumenical connotation in opposition to the one before Vatican II. Paul VI knowing that the role and the devotion to Our Lady was a subject of controversy in the Council. The term Mother of the “Church” would bring a hopeful compromise of ecumenical unity….