Lenten Clearance Sale: Thursday March 23 to Saturday March 25

Three days only from Central Time Thursday March 23 to 11:59 PM Saturday March 25, Feast of the Annunciation.

We're about halfway through Lent already! Whilst cleaning house spiritually, we’re clearing out some of our stock to make room for new lines. The following is the list of items with their sale price:

Spiritual Books

Consecration to Mary - $12
The Secret of the Rosary - $4.50
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament – $4.50
The Incredible Catholic Mass - $15
Introduction to the Devout Life – $12
Saint Ignatius Loyola – $6.50
St Philip Neri: Apostle of Rome and Founder of the Oratory - $6.50
The Father of the Little Flower - $6.50
The Young Man of Character - $7.50

Doctrinal Books

The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Explanation of the Catholic Religion - $120
The Anti-Modernist Reader - Hardback - $26.50
An Open Letter to Bishop Clarence Kelly on the “Thuc Bishops” and the Errors in “The Sacred and the Profane”- $7.50

Catholic Miscellany

True Restoration Signature Sandstone Coasters - $6.50
True Restoration Sandstone Coasters – Two pack - $12
Saint Benedict Crucifix Medal - $22.50
Seconds – Not Quite Right - Mantillas - $2

While you’re shopping, make sure to check out our new Book titles, Olive-wood Rosary beads and additional Mantilla options!

Annual Members receive their additional 10% discount off the sale prices.


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.