New for Season 4 of Restoration Radio, we present to our listeners In Veritate: an ongoing presentation of the sermons of Bishop Donald Sanborn throughout the decades since His Excellency's ordination to the Priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on June 29, 1975.
In the debut episode of In Veritate, Bishop Sanborn takes us back to the 17th century when the French Revolution took place and explains the corrupting effects of it which have led us to where we find ourselves now in the present day. His Excellency reveals how from the time of the French Revolution, its horrific effects have led to a total unbelief in God and His Church, even in those purporting to be the hierarchy of the Church. Catholic Culture has been dying for centuries, and has now almost disintegrated entirely, as is proven by the mentality and behavior of the modern world.
His Excellency reminds us how important it is to recite the Rosary daily and the great effects that prayer has in our lives. He also delivers encouragement by informing us why God permits heresies and the great graces that can be gained by those who stay true to the Catholic Faith.
Furthermore, Bishop Sanborn educates us on the devil’s methods of striking the Church. Many martyrs have died for the faith during violent and brutal attacks. However, the attack on true Catholicism today in most of our lives is not physical, but mental and social. Listen as His Excellency arms us with knowledge to ensure our minds do not become corrupted by the influence of modern culture.
We would like to thank Nicholas Wilton for providing the use of his sacred choral music for this show. Mr. Wilton's material can be purchased at:
Original Air Date: January 16, 2015
Show Run Time: 44 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Matthew Arthur
Show Sponsor: Most Holy Trinity Seminary
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