For those who missed our show last night, you can download the free podcast of our show here.
Apart from a technical difficulty from around the 28th minute to around the 29th minute, the show took a variety of calls from both twitter and phone callers and was a great opportunity for discussion on the topic of the moment: SSPX regularization.
Dear Mr. Heiner: I downloaded and listened to your podcast late last evening, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. You dealt with the seemingly countless technical hurdles with something very like aplomb and kept the longueurs to a very bearable minimum. (I hope that the foregoing doesn't sound only like faint praise; it isn't so meant.) Considering the length of the program, your management of its content arc was also impressive.
As a longtime non-fan of audience participation—a tendency age is doing anything but lessen—may I with the greatest respect and hesitancy suggest that you consider eliminating that programming feature from future podcasts entirely? Even though some of your callers managed to handle themselves rather better than the C-SPAN average, it strikes me that the clean elimination of this wild card element will inevitably lessen stress, both technical and hostly. Besides, even if you think it undesirable or impolitic to embrace a full-blown de Maistrian approach to podcasting, you can still invite listeners to submit their questions in advance. You yourself then can choose to use those (if any) you deem helpful, without appropriate attribution to the source, of course. This approach would have the added advantage of allowing those who can't or don't wish to listen to the live podcast to become candidates for active participation.
Whatever your take on my advice (which is, as usual, worth roughly what you paid for it), your success of yesterday leads me to think that I shall be listening again.
Thank you for your comments and thoughts. I'll share them with my co-hosts and we'll consider it. We might already have that mechanism in place via twitter. It allows people to submit questions in advance (and makes them keep it short :-).
Given that this episode was a "part 2," you might also want to listen to part 1:
I shall indeed have a listen to part 1; thanks for the pointer.
Permit me to correct an unfortunate typo in my first comment. The phrase "without appropriate attribution to the source" was meant to read "with appropriate attribution to the source". The original comes off as pointlessly ungenerous.