Via Novus Ordo Watch, we find that a Catholic hospital in Ireland has agreed to perform abortions. May we suggest that Francis speak another 24 words against abortion like he did the day after his big 12,000-word interview? He could possibly handle it with a tweet, but there's his pesky "in context" requirement. The link will take you to a website called Protect the Pope, which features pictures of Francis all across its header. With a story about Catholic hospitals performing abortions and Francis' record of only talking about abortion once his whole pontificate and the Fr. Zs of the world rushing to defend him, it just seems so fitting. Protect the pope? What about the unborn?
School uniforms free students of "peer tyranny" and promote order, says Dr. Marian T. Horvat at Tradition in Action. Take a look at the collection of pictures she includes of students around the world in their nifty uniforms, some of them with straw hats!
Cammie at A Woman's Place gives the low-down on praying for the "grace to be a little less of a weeny" and the really stressful things that can happen when you ask God for his help in attaining a virtue.