Don't Worry Be Happy. Francis the consoler says that the Last Judgment is nothing to worry about, 'cause for one thing, "We get to embrace Jesus"! Novus Ordo Watch tells the latest tale of Francis woe and provides all the citations to prove he is once again in error.
That Francis will take the "pastoral" approach to communion for divorced Catholics is confirmed by Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, in this post from Tradition in Action.
Rorate Caeli has all the latest on the persecution of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Meanwhile, back at the New Evangelization Ranch, The Eponymous Flower reports that this Collegevile, MN, "monastery" cruises along unimpeded by the Vatican, despite known sexual abuse of minors by its "monks". Decades of perversion is okay with NewChurch. Just don't question Vatican II!
Is there more to Francis' fatigue on Dec. 4 than what the Vatican is willing to divulge? Traditio thinks so and in its Dec. 11 post cites the Vatican's assurance of "no cause for alarm" as a red flag.
Those worldly accolades keep coming. Now, in addition to being Time Magazine's "Person of the Year", Francis has been awarded a prize for being an exemplary "global communicator", according to Vatican Insider. Could have fooled me.
Louie Verrecchio focuses on Francis' "impoverished" understanding of the mission of the Church in Cards on the Table.