Although March is still quite wintry in much of the U.S., it is bringing in the spiritually rejuvenating season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is on March 6th this year. Are you ready?
This month, we will continue with the popular series This is Catholicism featuring Father Philip Eldracher - of Mary Help of Christians chapel, providing the Traditional (Tridentine) Latin Mass to faithful Catholics throughout Australia - and a new host: his brother, Justin Eldracher. This is Catholicism follows the catechism by Father Joseph Deharbe, S.J., A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion. It is the catechism which Bishop Donald Sanborn finds to be most complete for conversion and instruction in the Faith. Eleven episodes will be released throughout the month of March, beginning on March 4th. This season will pick up where last season left off (Chapter 2, Ninth Article, section 4) and carry through to the end of the Apostles’ Creed.
All of the most recent episodes of True Restoration programming are accessible only to our members. In an effort to bring quality Catholic content to all who seek it, we will continue to offer Monthly Memberships. This season, these inexpensive memberships include access to all of the current season’s releases (please note that the previous season is no longer included). Enjoy our March series, This is Catholicism, by becoming a member today!

Father Philip Eldracher
Infuse your Lent with the excellent catechetical instruction of Father Joseph Deharbe, S.J. as presented by Father Eldracher and host Justin Eldracher in This is Catholicism!

This is Catholicism, Episode 30: Membership in the Catholic Church
Join Father Philip Eldracher and his younger brother Justin as they begin discussing the fourth section of the ninth article of the Apostles Creed. A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion by Father Joseph...

This is Catholicism, Episode 31: Heretics, Schismatics, Apostates and Infidels
Join Father Philip Eldracher and his younger brother Justin as they discuss the distinctions between heretics, schismatics, apostates, and infidels. A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion by Father Joseph Deharbe, S.J. was originally...

This is Catholicism, Episode 32: Excommunication
In this episode, Father Philip Eldracher and his brother Justin talk about some of the sins which merit excommunication, as well as a couple historical examples of the effects of excommunication. A Complete Catechism...

This is Catholicism, Episode 33: To Judge or Not to Judge
Join Father Philip Eldracher and his brother Justin as they discuss the true Catholic position on judging heretics, how to avoid rash judgments, and more! This episode ends section 4 of the ninth article...

This is Catholicism, Episode 34: The Communion of Saints
In this episode, Father Philip Eldracher and his brother Justin begin section five of the ninth article, talking about the Communion of Saints and the Mystical Body of Christ. A Complete Catechism of the...

This is Catholicism, Episode 35: Purgatory
Join Father Philip Eldracher and his brother Justin as they discuss how we can help the suffering souls in Purgatory by prayers, indulgences and other good works. Father also talks about the Heroic Act...

This is Catholicism, Episode 36: The Forgiveness of Sins
In this episode, Father Philip Eldracher and his brother Justin walk through the Tenth Article of the Apostle’s Creed, which states our belief in the forgiveness of sins. A Complete Catechism of the Catholic...

This is Catholicism, Episode 37: The Resurrection of the Body
Today Father Philip Eldracher and Justin begin discussing the Eleventh Article of the Apostles’ Creed, which states our belief in the resurrection of the body. A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion by Father...

This is Catholicism, Episode 38: Effects of the General Resurrection
**PARENTAL WARNING: Parts of this episode are unsuitable for children* In this episode, Father Philip Eldracher and Justin finish discussing the resurrection of the body, closing the episode at the end of the section...

This is Catholicism, Episode 39: Heaven
Today Father Philip Eldracher and Justin begin discussing the Twelfth Article of the Creed, which states our belief in life everlasting. They talk about what constitutes the happiness of heaven and the various ways...

This is Catholicism, Episode 40: Hell
Join Father Philip Eldracher and Justin as they finish the Apostles’ Creed with a discussion on hell, and why we should think often of hell in order to avoid sin. This last episode of...