Season 11, March Course: This is Catholicism
March is here and opens promptly with Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022. “…for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.” (Gen. 3:19) Let us choose challenging acts of voluntary penance to enrich...
March is here and opens promptly with Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022. “…for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.” (Gen. 3:19) Let us choose challenging acts of voluntary penance to enrich...
We are pleased to present a new ongoing project here at True Restoration – From the Archives: Fr Donald Sanborn Q&A! This content will draw from an old television series that ran in the...
We conclude our series on the Temperaments with Hostess Theresa and her recurring guest Jacinta, who both attend Mary Help of Christians Australian Mission. In this episode, they conclude a casual and frank conversation...
We continue our series on the Temperaments with Hostess Theresa now joined by her recurring guest Jacinta, who both attend Mary Help of Christians Australian Mission. In this episode, they begin a casual and...
We continue with Hostess Theresa and her four guests, all young adults of the Mary Help of Christians Australian Mission: Matthew, Augustine, Alexander and Angela with the final episode of their casual and frank...
All the following book titles, being especially suited to Lenten reading, have very reduced prices over Thursday, February 17th to Saturday, February 19th (Central Time) to ensure you’re all set before Ash Wednesday. Thoughts...
Some people read the article published last month about the CMRI without knowing anything about who I am and what I write about. They didn’t know that I’m not one to rumor-monger, or to seek sensational headlines. We are, in a way, very “boring” in what we offer: radio episodes on the Catechism, Sacred Scripture, the Liturgical Year, Our Lady, just to name a few. We have long steered clear of controversial issues, though we recorded an episode on vaccines in January 2020, before it was a topic of real contention, in which a priest explained that vaccines themselves were neutral, and explained the principle of remote participation in an evil as spelled out by the principles of moral theology. That is as close to a current “controversial” topic we have offered in recent years.
Certaines personnes ont lu l’article publié le mois dernier à propos de la CMRI sans savoir le moins du monde qui je suis et sur quels sujets j’écris. Ils ignoraient que je ne suis pas du genre à diffuser des rumeurs ou à chercher des titres sensationnels. Nous sommes, d’une certaine manière, très « ennuyeux » dans ce que nous proposons au public : des émissions radiophoniques sur le catéchisme, les Saintes Écritures, l’année liturgique, Notre-Dame, pour n’en nommer que quelques-unes. Nous nous sommes longtemps tenus éloignés des sujets controversés, bien que nous ayons enregistré un épisode sur les vaccins en janvier 2020, avant que ce sujet ne devienne vraiment conflictuel, dans lequel un prêtre expliquait que les vaccins en eux-mêmes sont moralement neutres, il expliquait également les principes de coopération éloignée au mal tels qu’énoncés par la théologie morale. C’est le sujet le plus « controversé » dont ait parlé au cours des dernières années.
Alcune persone hanno letto l’articolo pubblicato il mese scorso sulla CMRI senza sapere nulla di chi sono e di cosa scrivo. Non sapevano che non sono uno che mette in giro voci, o che cerca titoli sensazionali. In un certo senso, True Restoration è molto “noiosa” in ciò che offriamo: episodi radiofonici sul Catechismo, sulla Sacra Scrittura, sull’Anno Liturgico, sulla devozione alla Madonna, solo per citarne alcuni. Abbiamo a lungo evitato le questioni controverse, anche se abbiamo registrato un episodio sui vaccini nel gennaio del 2020, prima che fosse un argomento di vera contestazione. In quell’episodio, un sacerdote ha argomentato che il vaccino non è né intrinsecamente buono né intrinsecamente cattivo, spiegando il tema della partecipazione remota a un male come indicato dai princìpi della teologia morale. Questo è quanto di più vicino a un argomento “controverso” sia stato offerto negli ultimi anni.
Algunas personas han leído el artículo publicado el mes pasado sobre la CMRI sin saber nada sobre quién soy o sobre qué he escrito. No conocían que no soy de los que inventan rumores o de los que buscan titulares sensacionalistas. Somos, en cierto modo, muy aburridos en lo que ofrecemos: emisiones de radio sobre el Catecismo, la Sagrada Escritura, el Año Litúrgico, Nuestra Señora… nombrando sólo algunas. Por mucho tiempo hemos permanecido alejados de los temas candentes, aunque hemos gravado un episodio sobre vacunas en enero del 2020, antes de que fuera un tema de real controversia, en el que un sacerdote explicó las vacunas en sí como neutrales y expuso el principio de participación remota como mal detallado por los principios de la teología moral. Esto es lo más cercano a un asunto «controvertido» que hayamos ofrecido en los años recientes.