June brings so many joys: Pentecost, Corpus Christi, first Sacraments, and summertime (at least here in the northern hemisphere)! One is easily engrossed with nature this time of year... praise God, from Whom all this beauty flows!
This month True Restoration will continue with the series The Second Vatican Council which debuted last season. Host Stephen Heiner is joined by Father Arnold Trauner in a discussion of the council which is based on the book The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber by Fr. Ralph M. Wiltgen, S.V.D. Affordable hard copies of the book are available for purchase in the True Restoration Bookstore here. This season’s topics will include the documents Gaudium et Spes, Dignitatis Humanae, and Lumen Gentium, along with schools, religious life, jews, and marriage, amongst others. There will be 10 episodes released throughout the month, beginning on June 4th.
All of the most recent episodes of True Restoration programming are accessible only to our members. In an effort to bring quality Catholic content to all who seek it, we will continue to offer Monthly Memberships. This season, these inexpensive memberships include access to all of the current season’s releases (please note that the previous season is no longer included). Enjoy the latest episodes of The Second Vatican Council, our June series, by becoming a member today! https://truerestoration.org/monthly/
For those seeking clarity and further insight into the state of Holy Mother Church and the world at large, The Second Vatican Council offers much to be considered. Join Father Arnold Trauner and host Stephen Heiner on this enlightening journey!
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 11: Destroying the Schemas
The series covering the events of the Second Vatican Council returns to discuss sessions 3 and 4. In this episode, Father Trauner and Stephen discuss the strategy of the Modernists to destroy all of...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 12: Gaudium et Spes
In this episode Fr Trauner and Stephen discuss the expansion of Gaudium et Spes from 45 pages to 122 and the “undue optimism” which everyone attributed to it. Paul VI’s unfortunate attitude towards the...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 13: Dignitatis Humanae
Perhaps the single most controversial document of Vatican II, Dignitatis Humanae had ferocious “defenders” to make sure that the heretical notion of error having “rights” would be enshrined in what would seem to the...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 14: Lumen Gentium
In this episode Fr. Trauner and Stephen discuss the three “meanings” of collegiality that were floating around in the discussions about Lumen Gentium, only one of which was orthodox, and which was not the...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 15: Black Week
What was Black Week? The liberals had, at the hands of Paul VI, ostensibly had setbacks for Lumen Gentium, Dignitatis Humane, Unitatis Redintegratio, and Our Lady’s title as Mother of the Church. But the...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 16: Divine Revelation
More arguments regarding “procedure” ensue as opposed to doctrine. Not just the Coetus Fathers, but both liberals and conservatives are ignored in their written interventions if there appears to be a conflict with the...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 17: Schools, Celibacy, the Religious Life, and Missions
Shorter, lesser-known schemas are the subject of this episode, but particularly relevant was Cardinal Suenens attack on religious: “the distinctive but ridiculous garb of many communities must be changed,” “outdated notions of the inferiority...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 18: The Jews and Communism
Moving from “less popular” schemas to hot button issues, Fr. Trauner and Stephen discuss why anti-semitism is one of the “unforgiveable sins” of the modern world. They also recap the Metz Conference, which ensured...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 19: Marriage Under Attack
Moving on to attacking the family, the Council Fathers specifically thwart Paul VI as he strangely tries to make the document more traditional and orthodox. We find out that the Council Fathers are more...
The Second Vatican Council, Episode 20: The Curtain Closes
This shameful sham of a council closes with readings by a Catholic, Methodist, and Orthodox, with Paul VI presiding. Rahner and Ratzinger are remembered, and John XXIII is virtually canonized in eulogy. A disgusting...