Grand Opening of Season 6 Book Sale

True Restoration is launching our exciting, new season with a “Two for the Price of One” sale of the following titles:

Image The Idea of a University

(2 for the price of 1) The Idea of a University $9.00

Behind the Lodge Door” - partner to the Restoration Radio series of the same name.

The History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland” - invaluable reference to better understand how Western society got to where we are now.

The Idea of a University” - important scholarly work explaining the role of education from, and within, the Catholic standpoint.

Tradition and the Church” - partner to the Restoration Radio series of the same name.

We are providing a broad selection, from various subject categories, to cover a good spread of your reading needs for early 2017. There is no maximum limit on this sale, so for example, if you buy six copies of each book, you get six free copies of each book! Once these titles run out of stock, we will not be continuing to carry them in True Restoration Store; so now is your chance to obtain copies of these for your own benefit - and to share with others - for a very small fraction of their retail value!

Sale starts Central Time Thursday and ends Central Time Saturday.

NB. Four of these five titles are no longer in print, so you'd have to try the likes of Amazon or eBay if you hope to find them in the future. Why take the risk when they are on such a great sale now?


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.