True Restoration: The Flagship Show
The Flagship Show of Member Supported Restoration Radio
Episode Highlights:
- The Flagship Show, Episode 13: The Second Vatican Council
- The Flagship Show, Episode 17: The Resignation of Benedict XVI
- The Flagship Show, Episode 19: The Legacy of Benedict XVI (Part 1)
- The Flagship Show, Episode 20: The Legacy of Benedict XVI (Part 2)
- The Flagship Show, Episode 22: Habemus Papam? Francis, the New Claimant
- The Flagship Show, Episode 23: St. Joseph the Worker
- The Flagship Show, Episode 24: America and Catholicism
- The Flagship Show, Episode 29: Malachi Martin
- The Flagship Show, Episode 32: Relocation
- The Flagship Show, Episode 36: Confessions of a Novus Ordo Seminarian
- The Flagship Show, Episode 41: The Single Life
- The Flagship Show, Episode 46: SSPX and Their New Imperfect Communion
- The Flagship Show, Episode 49: Amoris Laetitia
- The Flagship Show, Episode 50: Amoris Laetitia Chapters 1-4
- The Flagship Show, Episode 51: Amoris Laetitia Part 3
- The Flagship Show, Episode 64: Mental Prayer According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Part I
- The Flagship Show, Episode 65: Mental Prayer According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Part II
- The Flagship Show, Episode 66: The Spiritual Life
- The Flagship Show, Episode 70: Novus Ordo Watch
- The Flagship Show, Episode 71: True Restoration
Episode Reviews
Episode 53 Review
Episode 68 Review
Episode Transcripts (Available to Annual Members and a la carte purchase)
Transcript: Vatican II: The Documents Examined (PDF Download)
Transcript: Malachi Martin (PDF Download)
Original Air Date: April 15, 2012
Show Guest(s): Bishop Daniel Dolan, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Bishop Germàn Fliess, Father Anthony Cekada, Father Nicolás Despósito
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner, Nicholas Wansbutter, Matthew Gaskin
Listen Now:
- The Flagship Show, Episode 2: The SSPX Agreement with Rome (Part 1)
- The Flagship Show, Episode 3: The Hunger Games Novel and First Film
- The Flagship Show, Episode 4: The SSPX Agreement with Rome (Part 2)
- The Flagship Show, Episode 5: Snow White and the Huntsman
- The Flagship Show, Episode 7: For Greater Glory
- The Flagship Show, Episode 8: The Sacred Heart of Jesus
- The Flagship Show, Episode 10: The Olympic Games
- The Flagship Show, Episode 11: Catholic Economic and Political Thought
- The Flagship Show, Episode 13: The Second Vatican Council
- The Flagship Show, Episode 14: Christ the King
- The Flagship Show, Episode 16: The Chair of St. Peter
- The Flagship Show, Episode 17: The Resignation of Benedict XVI
- The Flagship Show, Episode 18: St. Valentine’s Day
- The Flagship Show, Episode 19: The Legacy of Benedict XVI (Part 1)
- The Flagship Show, Episode 20: The Legacy of Benedict XVI (Part 2)
- The Flagship Show, Episode 21: St. Thomas Aquinas
- The Flagship Show, Episode 22: Habemus Papam? Francis, the New Claimant
- The Flagship Show, Episode 23: St. Joseph the Worker
- The Flagship Show, Episode 24: America and Catholicism
- The Flagship Show, Episode 25: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Feel the Wrath of Francis
- The Flagship Show, Episode 27: September, the Month of Our Lady
- The Flagship Show, Episode 28: Atheists Can Go to Heaven?
- The Flagship Show, Episode 29: Malachi Martin
- The Flagship Show, Episode 30: Ordinations and the Priesthood
- The Flagship Show, Episode 31: Season 2 Hosts Show and Round Table
- The Flagship Show, Episode 32: Relocation
- The Flagship Show, Episode 33: Our 100th Episode and A Gift to Our Listeners
- The Flagship Show, Episode 34: Health & Fitness
- The Flagship Show, Episode 36: Confessions of a Novus Ordo Seminarian
- The Flagship Show, Episode 37: Restoration Radio Moving Forward
- The Flagship Show, Episode 41: The Single Life
- The Flagship Show, Episode 42: Bishop Williamson Consecrates a New Bishop
- The Flagship Show, Episode 44: Williamson Watch
- The Flagship Show, Episode 46: SSPX and Their New Imperfect Communion
- The Flagship Show, Episode 49: Amoris Laetitia
- The Flagship Show, Episode 50: Amoris Laetitia Chapters 1-4
- The Flagship Show, Episode 51: Amoris Laetitia Part 3
- The Flagship Show, Episode 52: Season 5 Members Survey
- The Flagship Show, Episode 53: SSPX Watch
- The Flagship Show, Episode 55: Season 6 Preview
- The Flagship Show, Episode 56: The Roman Catholic Institute, Part 1: Theological Directory
- The Flagship Show, Episode 57: The Roman Catholic Institute, Part 2: Liturgical Directory
- The Flagship Show, Episode 58: The Roman Catholic Institute, Part 3: Pastoral Directory
- The Flagship Show, Episode 59: Alex Jones
- The Flagship Show, Episode 60: Season 7 Preview
- The Flagship Show, Episode 61: The Pilgrimage of Grace
- The Flagship Show, Episode 62: The French Revolution – Timeline and Lowlights
- The Flagship Show, Episode 63: The Carmelites of Compiègne
- The Flagship Show, Episode 64: Mental Prayer According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Part I
- The Flagship Show, Episode 65: Mental Prayer According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Part II
- The Flagship Show, Episode 66: The Spiritual Life
- The Flagship Show, Episode 67: Questions and Answers with Bishop Sanborn
- The Flagship Show, Episode 68: Bishop Sanborn on The Modern World
- The Flagship Show, Episode 69: Bishop Sanborn on Raising Children
- The Flagship Show, Episode 70: Novus Ordo Watch
- The Flagship Show, Episode 71: True Restoration
- The Flagship Show, Episode 72: The YAG
- The Flagship Show, Episode 73: Path to the Priesthood
- The Flagship Show, Episode 74: Crypto
- The Flagship Show, Episode 75: Israel and Palestine
- The Flagship Show, Episode 76: Life as a Lay Helper
- The Flagship Show, Episode 77: Reading
- The Flagship Show, Episode 78: Travel
- The Flagship Show, Episode 79: The IHS Events France Special