In Courage on The Catholic Gentleman, an excerpt from the writings of Bishop Fulton Sheen shows that not much has changed in society at large over the last generation or two: the young are still waiting for real leaders, and those in positions of power are still wringing their hands, catering to desires, and ignoring the real needs of those to whom they are responsible. Deo gratias for the true Faith and the religious who sustain her!
On a related note, Tea at Trianon shows just how blatant some of these supposed governmental leaders are about their true allegiances in a short and disturbing post entitled Obama, Alinsky, and the Devil.
Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals presents an excellent article from Father O’ Keeffe. On Contrition is a lengthy read, but makes for a thorough catechesis on the topics of contrition and penance, particularly perfect contrition. It is especially invaluable given the difficulty many faithful Catholics have in accessing the sacraments.