Iota Unum, Episode 18: Penance
Many of our American listeners will be unaware of the Papal indult regarding fast and abstinence that existed during World War II, which then went on to be “normalized” after the War, even before...
Many of our American listeners will be unaware of the Papal indult regarding fast and abstinence that existed during World War II, which then went on to be “normalized” after the War, even before...
In this episode, Father Germán Fliess comments on Royo Marín´s Theology of Christian Perfection. The show begins the first chapter of the section entitled Positive Means of Spiritual Growth and it deals with the...
Father Charles McGuire discusses the meaning of why we are blessed with ash on the first day of Lent. He also instructs us how we are to pray the Stations of the Cross during...
Welcome to Father Philip Eldracher, the new guest of This is Catholicism. In addition to the topics of the last judgment, the particular judgment, and Purgatory, Father covers the five signs that must occur before...
In Courage on The Catholic Gentleman, an excerpt from the writings of Bishop Fulton Sheen shows that not much has changed in society at large over the last generation or two: the young are...
All may be judged who have not believed the truth. God will permit humans to sink into terrible error, and then come and judge them because they did not believe the truth, but have...
The most sacred season of the liturgical year is here: Lent. We welcome back Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio, and Father Joseph Selway, assistant...
We welcome Father Germàn Fliess, seminary professor at Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida. Advent is a time of penance. Penance is a species of justice, for justice seeks to restore and maintain...
Holy Mother Church, in Her maternal care for Her children, not only gives us time to prepare for Her feasts by periods of penance, but applies gentle spurs to us to prepare even for...
In one of my businesses, I write and ghostwrite content for small businesses. In that part of my life I have to engage in a practice that I despise as a writer but reluctantly...