In this episode, we begin a three part mini series on food, clothing, and shelter. What is the Catholic attitude towards food? What is wrong with the modern ways of cultivating and consuming it? How can our stomach be a gateway to virtue? Why should we choose to fast outside of the times we are required to, not just for spiritual but for health reasons?
Back to Basics is a series that focuses on the Catholic way to think about everything: expansively, creatively, and centered on Our Lord. Our guest for the series is His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan.
To hear more of Bishop Dolan, you can listen to Devotions with Bishop Dolan or Root of the Rot in which he is the full time guest, as well as Clerical Conversations and the Flagship Show, where he has made frequent appearances.
Original Air Date: February 9, 2019
Show Run Time: 52 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Daniel Dolan
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner
Individual Season 8 Show Price: Not available.
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