Bishop Sanborn Debate Goes Live
Just in time for the New Year, our friends over at Novus Ordo Watch released the much anticipated debate between His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida...
Just in time for the New Year, our friends over at Novus Ordo Watch released the much anticipated debate between His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida...
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again:...
While enjoying our most-needed break from Restoration Radio for Advent & Christmas, several points of interest have popped up that we felt necessary to share with our readers. Bishop Sanborn and Dr. Robert Fastiggi...
We have great news! We have received many emails asking us about where the show An Introduction to Catholicism went after it was taken down from the Restoration Radio homepage back in late July....
R ecently, like undoubtedly all of us must from time-to-time, I had the difficult experience of sharing a secular friend’s loss of his wife of forty one years, and in trying to keep all...
As our annual True Restoration meeting is fast approaching this coming weekend, we would like to ask of you that as we meet to plan season three and beyond, that you would please consider...
I was chatting with Justin Soeder, who some of you may know helps with a lot of our Restoration Radio shows but also does a lot of behind the scenes work here. We were...