An Introduction to Catholicism Re-Launch

We have great news! 

We have received many emails asking us about where the show An Introduction to Catholicism went after it was taken down from the Restoration Radio homepage back in late July. We had numerous technical difficulties with the show that we determined needed correction before we could feel comfortable keeping them available for download. 

In mid-September, we were approached by a gentleman in Australia, Mr. Matt Arthur, who has extensive experience with audio engineering. He graciously provided his volunteer efforts to remaster all the shows, and over the last two months has gone through each show minute-by-minute to clean everything up and we believe the finished product he has provided us is light years beyond the quality of the original recordings. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Arthur for his efforts, and we alert our listeners that should they have any audio needs, Mr. Arthur is available for consulting. If you would like his contact information, please email us at and we will put you in contact with him.

So on November 1, the Feast of All Saints, we re-launched the program on the Restoration Radio homepage. You can stream or download the first five shows with Father Julian Larrabee by visiting the Restoration Radio homepage

For those who are wondering what the future of An Introduction to Catholicism is, stay tuned to our season-end True Restoration show at the end of November for announcements on this program and many others. We think you will like what you are going to hear.

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