In the last 25 years the vast majority of priests ordained for the Society of St. Pius X were not ordained by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Indeed, many of those priests, like me, never even met the man who did so much to preserve the Traditional Mass.
22 years and one month ago the Archbishop passed to his eternal reward. Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada will share their recollections and memories of the man who they knew and who ordained them in this month's Clerical Conversations on the Crisis. Join us at 7pm EDST or download the podcast anytime after tonight and listen at your leisure.
A friend of mine in Mumbai, once an ardent SSPXer, but now no longer, insists that Archbishop Lefebvre was no true Traditionalist. He foisted, in 1984, on the SSPX, and thereby on most of the Traditional Catholic world, the 1962 Missal which violated the Bull "Quo Primum" of St Pius V.
Can Bishop Dolan or Fr Cekada comment on this please?