All Francis Friday

St. Romanus

"Cardinal" Burke, beloved of conservative Catholics, is recruited to come to the defense of Francis in this lengthy article for L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO, which explains the message of this pontificate:  "The Holy Father, it seems to me, wishes to pare back every conceivable obstacle people may have invented to prevent themselves from responding to Jesus Christ’s universal call to holiness," opines Burke.  Meaning, Francis is not going to let doctrine get in the way of welcoming everyone into the One World Church.

The ranks of faithful Catholics who actually tithe must need powerful shoring up, because Benedict XVI has been popped out of his retirement ice tray to lend his endorsement to the "make a mess" Francis.  In this John Allen piece for The Boston Globe, we find acknowledgement of a growing desire on the part of neocon-Trads for the good ole days of Benedict's more conservative reign and even a theory that he may have been invalidly forced from office, which would mean that he is the real pope and Francis is not.  Despite assurances to the contrary by Benedict himself, this issue is still under investigation by some, especially Italian journalist Antonio Socci, as reported by Novus Ordo Watch.

There is a big stink going on because of a "holier than thou" letter from Church Militant TV, that accuses traditionalist reporters/bloggers of running something called "ecclesiastical porn" sites, for daring to criticize and correct the "Holy Father".   Curiously, CMTV sees nothing wrong with criticizing/correcting the rest of the Church hierarchy, who are appointed and allowed to run amok by the "pope".   Here, Mundabor showcases the Italian style of criticizing Francis, by reading between the lines of a Sandro Magister post on Chiesa.


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