The readers of True Restoration and supporters of Bishops Dolan and Sanborn, Fr. Cekada, and the other clergy behind the Anti-Modernist Reader, Volume I, have just successfully crowdfunded a Catholic work on the new religion of Vatican II. No one has ever done such a thing. Congratulations to all of you, particularly our 80 backers who, over a period of 60 days, smashed our tilt goal of $3,500, our actual goal of $6,000, and our stretch goal of $7,500. Your books will be in the mail by December 1st, which means even those furthest from the United States, where the books will ship from, will receive the books in time for Christmas.
The Anti-Modernist Reader will go on sale to the general public on the Feast of the Purification, 2015. No pre-orders are being accepted at this time.