You've heard of the slow food movement? David J. Walbert may attract followers to a slow travel movement with his essay, "Travel in the Magic City," for the Front Porch. He ponders the importance of staying connected to his town by avoiding the freeway.
It's enough to make you want to eat beans on Friday. In this post for her New York Times blog, Jane Brody reels in the big one when she draws attention to the tragic situation Americans face when trying to eat seafood. It's a great piece for alerting those consumers who are unaware of the situation, but it definitely has some weaknesses. She doesn't even mention the effects of the BP Oil spill on the Gulf. Maybe she'll cover that in Part II.
"For dessert there would be spiced peaches or pears, and I would use cinnamon to spice them because Scripture says that our Lady is like the smell of sweet cinnamon." This quote is just one of many delightful passages in this Finer Femininity piece on how to celebrate Mary's Assumption, excerpted from the book, The Year and Our Children, by Mary Reed Newland.