We start today with the truly heroic story of Father Thomas Byles in The untold story of the Titanic’s Catholic priest who went down hearing confessions on Nobility. Father Byles passed up two separate spots on lifeboats, preferring to stay aboard the sinking vessel to tend to souls. “…As the great ship sank, Fr. Byles ‘stood on the deck with Catholics, Protestants and Jews kneeling around him. Father Byles was saying the rosary and praying for the repose of the souls of those about to perish.’” He is a man truly worthy of honor.
Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals offers a beautiful excerpt from a book written by Rev. Robert J. Murphy, C.S.P., Fatima. It is followed by the Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima for the Conversion of Russia, and a link to the digitized version of Father’s (short) book - the perfect read for this month!
Lastly, The Thinking Housewife posted a piece which illustrates the hypocrisy and complete lack of logic amongst the feminist crowd in I Want a Woman President. As usual, the article is on-point: “The act of voting for a woman just because she is a woman should be the ultimate discrediting of feminism.”