The Second Vatican Council, Episode 8: The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Permanent Diaconate

If it can even be thought or said aloud by a Catholic, it must be said that the Council Fathers considered Our Lady, “a source of great concern” and “unimaginable harm” in the form of her own separate schema. She was considered an impediment to “union” with heretics and as such she was denied her own separate schema, with great honors and titles, and simply marked to be an appendix or afterthought in a larger schema on the Church. Unsurprisingly, the traditionalists (and alas, Our Lady) once again lose a battle in the larger war of the Council.

Father Trauner also discusses the novelty of reintroducing the ancient permanent diaconate and why it is something that has long stayed “dead” in Church practice and why it has no business being revived.

If you would like to take an even closer look at the source material for these discussions, you can find a copy of The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber, at an excellent price, in our bookstore.

Original Air Date: October 25, 2018
Show Run Time: 39 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner
Individual Season 7 Show Price: Not available.

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