In between the first and second sessions, the European Alliance transformed itself into a World Alliance, and though there were conferences in Chicago and Rome, it was really Munich and Fulda, under the theological direction of Karl Rahner, that set the tone and pace for the second session and beyond. Here the schemas to be voted on were vetted and “corrected” thoroughly.
A Secretariat for Non Christian Religions is agitated into existence by the Modernists because “we must understand each other,” i.e. the “great world religions” as they say. Much is also made of how much “offense” Pius IX gave in how he invited non-Catholics to Vatican I.
Father discusses the theological problems of Fr. Rahner, as well as why a “secretariat for Non Christian Religions” was never thought of as necessary in 20 centuries of the Church’s existence.
If you would like to take an even closer look at the source material for these discussions, you can find a copy of The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber, at an excellent price, in our bookstore.
Original Air Date: October 20, 2018
Show Run Time: 28 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner
Individual Season 7 Show Price: Not available.
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