The Return of TradReviews

Many years ago Nicholas Wansbutter and I started TradReviews, a website forerunner of the current radio program on our Network.  As time went on the site was lost amidst numerous other projects we were working on.  Thankfully, these days, it's not just Nicholas and I trying to do everything (though the original TradReviews at one point had 6 additional writers beyond ourselves) so I've felt it's as good a time as any to return to this project.

I am using a review of Noah to relaunch that site, which will review books and films from the Catholic perspective.  If you are interested in writing reviews on books, film, or poetry, please email a writing sample to mail at

Stephen Heiner

Stephen founded True Restoration in 2006 and served as its first President until 2023. He now lives in Reading, Pennsylvania.

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